schedule cleaning services to suit your personal needs

schedule cleaning services to suit your personal needs

Cleaning And Caring For Your Vintage Rug

Felecia Coleman

A high-quality vintage rug can be a central part of a room's interior design scheme as it can be a beautiful and unique accessory. However, these rugs will have their own care needs that will have to be met if they are to remain attractive and viable for as long as possible.

Place The Vintage Rug In A Low Traffic Area Of The House

If you are wanting to maximize the lifespan of your vintage rug, it can be ideal to place it in an area that will receive relatively low traffic. Unfortunately, individuals that place their vintage rugs near the entrance to their home may find that it can quickly start to deteriorate. Furthermore, it may be far more likely to suffer staining from mud and other substances. If you have to place the rug in an area that receives heavy traffic, consider applying a protective seal to it as this can help to shield the rug from stains.

Periodically Vacuum The Surface Of The Rug

Vacuuming the rug at regular intervals can be another critical step in preserving its appearance. Failing to vacuum the rug can allow dirt to become embedded into the fibers of the carpet. These pieces of dirt will be able to discolor the carpet while also being rough enough to wear down the fibers. A vacuum can lift out these substances before they are able to cause this damage. However, you will want to be mindful to only use the low setting on the vacuum and to use an attachment that is designed for rugs. This can limit the risk of the fibers starting to loosen in response to the pressure that the vacuum is putting on them.

Arrange For The Vintage Rug To Be Professionally Cleaned

Professional cleaning services can be a safe and effective solution for instances where you are needing to have the rug undergo a more thorough deep cleaning. In particular, these services will have the tools needed to be able to safely remove the dirt and other substances that could have worked their way deep into the fibers of the rug. This can be done through the use of shampooing and drying systems that are designed specifically for rugs. By using these tools, it can be possible to safely remove years of dirt and grime from the rug without the risk of harming its fibers or warping it in a way that distorts its appearance.

Contact a local company to learn more about professional rug cleaning


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schedule cleaning services to suit your personal needs

How many hours do you spend cleaning your home each week? Do you find it difficult to get to those difficult areas, like the bathrooms, as often as they need to be done? Have you considered hiring a cleaning service to come out and help you get the work done? I had never thought that I would be able to afford to hire a cleaning service, but my mother bought me a year's service for a Christmas gift. After that year, I hired the company on to come out and do just the three bathrooms and my kitchen once each week. To find out how you can schedule cleaning services to suit your personal needs, keep reading.
